Infant Aquatics Classes
How was your experience of learning to swim? Was it in the days of freezing cold open-air pools with dead wasps floating on the surface and being absolutely terrified you might inhale one by accident? Being old enough to have become lacking in confidence in the water and the pool being so crowded that you couldn't avoid getting water up your nose and being elbowed by the people next to you? That is how I remember it and I didn't get to enjoy swimming until considerably later in life. I set up Merbabies because that is not how I wanted my child to be introduced to water and because I wanted him to be safe in water as early as possible. I want him to treat water with respect rather than fear. Merbabies believe that most public pools don't have warm enough water for babies. Often even if the water temperature is good the air temperature isn't. Remember that we (and babies more so) lose most of our body-heat through our heads, and if we are wet the chill factor is increased. This is why Merbabies only use specialist pools. After all, would you like being dunked in a what seems like a cold bath? Because small babies are unable to move as vigorously as an adult they don't get the ability to raise their body temperature as greatly as we can. You have to be particularly careful of this before babies are old enough to shiver and this is why we have found the most appropriate pools for you. We run classes in six-session modules in line with the school terms and half terms. Each class is half an hour long which is just the right length of time for babies and toddlers to be in the water without becoming over-tired. The methods taught promote acquisition of water safety skills from day one. Much attention is paid to promoting bonding and interaction between mummy (or daddy) and baby, and care is taken to ensure that you feel safe, comfortable, confident and relaxed handling your child in the water so minimal tension is passed to baby. If you are confident your baby will be too! We aim that you have a really enjoyable and safe experience with your baby. After all, what's the point if you don't both have fun? Hope to see you soon, Maria